São Paulo - região metropolitana
Corrida de rua 21/05/2024

Viewers and the city cheer for runners in the 5 km of the Vienna City Marathon, Austria

Por By Renata Sá, reporter

5 km race at the 41st Vienna City Marathon in Austria (Esportividade)

The 41st edition of the Vienna City Marathon took place over the weekend, April 20-21, 2024, in Vienna, Austria. On Saturday (20), the day before the 42.195 km challenge, the event included children’s races, the Coca-Cola Inclusion Run, and the 5 km race. Despite the drizzling rain and plummeting temperatures, athletes from around the world ran through the streets of the Austrian capital.

Viewers support runners on the streets of Vienna, Austria (Esportividade)

Viewers also played a part in the race and supported runners at different points. Because of the bib that highlights the athlete’s name, I was constantly encouraged by the people watching the event. I heard “Go, Renata,” with a strong “R” intonation as I ran.

Start of the 5 km race at the 2024 Vienna City Marathon (Esportividade)

Running at cold temperatures (8ºC/46ºF during the race) is still a significant obstacle for Brazilians. Low temperatures, wind, and rainfall can take their toll on athletes, although spring has already started around there. Despite the weather, viewers went to the streets to support and cheer for runners throughout the race.

People wait for the athletes to pass by in the 2024 Vienna City Marathon – 5 km race (Esportividade)

Another exciting thing was the city’s reaction to the race. The streets were closed, and cars, trams, and motorcycles had to wait for the affected roads to clear. This momentary standstill, however, didn’t seem to bother them; quite the opposite: the event was part of the city. I saw people getting off public transport to watch the race on one of the closed roads.

2024 Vienna City Marathon – 5 km course map (Esportividade)

In another situation, cyclists and pedestrians – doing their best not to get in the way of runners – crossed the streets along the route. And in no way athletes or pedestrians seemed to be bothered by the situation, which made me realize that maybe that’s the point: holding sports events in the city center rather than having them take place in remote locations, making it impossible for people to attend.

Viewers support athletes during the 2024 Vienna City Marathon – 5 km race (Esportividade)

Another lovely difference is that, due to Europe’s geographical location and season (spring), runners ran the whole 5 km in daylight despite being late in the afternoon (the race started at 6:15 p.m.). Also, in the Austrian capital, I finished a race in under 40 minutes for the first time (net time 39min13s).

I ran the 5 km Vienna City Marathon wearing Nike Invincible 3 (review) and sports sunglasses by Opticalia.

Find out how the Sunday marathon went:
Vienna City Marathon makes every runner feel unique

Andrei and Renata at the expo (Esportividade)

The coverage of the Austrian marathon is part of a series of three events that Esportividade is participating in Europe in April and May 2024. The other events will be the Copenhagen Marathon in Denmark on May 5 and the ING Night Marathon in Luxembourg on Saturday, May 11.

In all three marathons, Esportividade has the support of VCM Group, Sparta, and Step by Step organizing companies. The coverage of the Copenhagen Marathon, sponsored by Nike, will also be supported by the Royal Danish Embassy. Andrei and Renata prepared for the challenge in partnership with ClassPass. The sports guide is also supported by Opticalia, a Spanish eyewear brand that recently came to Brazil and wants to revolutionize the sunglass market.

This season, the sports guide shows how runners from the “four corners of the world” come together in marathons. Regardless of the athlete’s place of origin, running is the element that connects them, and one encourages the other.

Watch the short video of Esportividade’s participation in the Vienna City Marathon:

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