São Paulo - região metropolitana
Corrida de rua 12/07/2024

In Copenhagen, Denmark, the marathon is an invitation to ‘follow the steps’ of the athletes

Por By Renata Sá, Reporter at Esportividade

Athletes run through Queen Louise’s Bridge in the Copenhagen Marathon (Sparta/Disclosure)

Running a marathon is one of the most significant challenges for those who enjoy running. Taking part in an international marathon, such as the one in Copenhagen, in addition to being an alternative to the Abbott World Marathon Majors out there, is an invitation for viewers to walk through the city streets following the route of the 42.195 km race as if it were a tourist map. And this happened in Denmark’s capital on May 5, 2024.

Viewers walk through the streets of Copenhagen towards one of the points where runners could be seen in action (Esportividade)

The Copenhagen Marathon app allowed viewers to tag a runner as a favorite and follow their live route. In addition, those watching the event could also find their location on the same app, making it easier to get to the meeting points. Also, it was possible to watch their arrival live on YouTube.

A child holds up a sign that reads, “You are almost there. Kinda.” (Sparta/Disclosure)

On the streets, people from the “four corners of the world” watched the athletes pass by. The crowd waved flags from different countries. Not only that, but plenty of signs with phrases of encouragement were all around. With this idea in mind, Nike, one of the sponsors, held one of the race’s most exciting brand activations, with signs that read: “Smile. Remember: you paid to do this” or “You are almost there. Kinda.”

When folded, the map of the race route doubles as a noisemaker (Sparta/Disclosure)

When folded, the map design of the route doubles as a noisemaker.

Viewers from the “four corners” of the world watch the Copenhagen Marathon (Esportividade)

Musical acts were playing at several points during the race. Together with the crowd, these attractions offered that extra boost needed during a marathon. One example was a DJ on Queen Louise’s Bridge.

The area where the former stock exchange building used to be was wrecked by a fire in 2024; the site is being restored (Esportividade)

The race route also included other tourist attractions in the city, such as Tivoli, the second-oldest amusement park in the world, and Børsen, the former stock exchange building almost destroyed in April 2024 after a fire.

A representation of the wall near km 33 of the Copenhagen Marathon (Sparta/Disclosure)

The fearful “wall” (a term that denotes a moment of great difficulty) that many athletes face in the race after km 30 has been recreated by Nike as a water curtain.

A runner finishes the Copenhagen Marathon barefoot (Esportividade)

To a greater or lesser extent, viewers of the Copenhagen Marathon could easily reach all of these sites using some form of transportation, such as trains or bicycles, or even walking through the streets of a city with a flat landscape. Following the runners and finally meeting them at the finish line was an extra attraction.

Watch the short video of the 2024 Copenhagen Marathon:

Read more about the Danish marathon (from the runner’s perspective):
Runners from ‘the four corners of the world’ come together in the Copenhagen Marathon, Denmark

The coverage of the Danish marathon is part of a series of three events that Esportividade is participating in Europe in April and May 2024. The last event will be the ING Night Marathon in Luxembourg on Saturday, May 11.

In all three marathons, Esportividade has the support of VCM Group, Sparta, and Step by Step organizing companies. The coverage of the Copenhagen Marathon, sponsored by Nike, will also be supported by the Royal Danish Embassy. Andrei and Renata prepared for the challenge in partnership with ClassPass. The sports guide is also supported by Opticalia, a Spanish eyewear brand that recently came to Brazil and wants to revolutionize the sunglass market.

This season, the sports guide shows how runners from the “four corners of the world” come together in marathons. Regardless of the athlete’s place of origin, running is the element that connects them, and one encourages the other.

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